Which are the best types of football jerseys for autographs and signatures?
The most popular collectible American Football, NFL, and NCAA autographed memorabilia are stitched numbered jerseys. Stitched jerseys will showcase the autograph better and stand the test of time. Having your favorite player sign a jersey can ensure that the value of your jersey is unique and carries more value over time. Jerseys typically come in one of four types of styles:
- Game Used Jerseys
- Authentic On Field Jerseys
- Custom Jerseys
- Screen Printed Jerseys
Game Used Jerseys are by far the most unique and as a result, they come with the highest price tag. Even alone, a game used jersey hold a greater value because they were actually worn by your favorite athlete during a game. Even if it's torn or stained, it will hold more value by itself.
Authentic On Field Jerseys are the most expensive of the three because they are usually retailed and approved by the NFL Players Association. These jerseys are the exact jerseys the players wear in the actual game. Unlike Game Used Jerseys, the authentic on field jerseys are brand new and pristine. Only authorized dealers can offer official on field jerseys.
Custom Jerseys are the most popular for autographs, but alone they do not hold the value or drive demand due to their commonality. However, depending on the football player who autographed it the value of the jersey takes a back seat to the value of the autographed.
Screen Printed Jerseys are easy to acquire and also carry the NFL players association seal of approval. They are licensed and include official logos, colors and team styles. Unfortunately, due to the 'holes' shown throughout the jersey, they aren't great for autographs as they can render the autograph hard to read and Illegible.
When considering getting your favorite NFL or NCAA player to sign a jersey for you, consider the popularity of the player, the demand for autograph, how often or the scarcity of their signature, and lastly how do you plan to display your signed jersey. If you are going to wear the jersey, you'll probably want to go with a new jersey, so that you can choose the size that fits your body type. On the flip side, if you're planning to frame and display your autographed jersey on a wall in your man crib or sports bar, the size really doesn't matter.
Depending on the athlete who will sign your jersey, the jersey quality may be insignificant as long as it has stitched letters and numbers.
If you do not have the time to purchase or opportunity to meet your favorite NFL or NCAA football player, feel free to let us take care of that for you. We offer signings where we can get your items signed by the player or we may already have your favorite NFL Autographed Jerseys in our store and we offer optional jersey framing as well.